Vankyo 470 Leisure Defective projector
I have tried reaching you by calling 301 477 1808 today and also by sending emails to yesterday and today.
On Sep 1, 2020, I ordered and received Vankyo 470 WIFI Leisure projector. I bought it through Amazon Canada and gave it to my brother as a gift. My Amazon order # was ORDER # 702-6909172-9019431. I am attaching the invoice. I even gave it a 5 star review on Amazon page for this item.
Today he advised me that its AV input is defective and brought it back to me. I can see that the receptacle being delicate and loose simply got pushed back into the projector body and thus has become useless. I do not see a Serial # at the bottom.
Is there way to get it replaced and/or repaired? Please advise what steps are required.
Pradeep Anand
Hello Pradeepanadnd,
thanks for your question.
If there is something wrong with the AV input of your device,
you need return it to repair.